Small World Chapter Four

      Caprise and Joe were finally getting back to where they started, deeply in love. Tonight had been the first night that Caprise hung out without Joe in a long time. They had just went through two years of living hell with each other  but things were finally looking up. Almost two years ago to the day  Caprise had discovered that Joe was seeing a younger woman Caprice decided to get revenge.

  The chick he was seeing name was Toni. She was a sophomore in college, still living with her parents and Joe I guess was playing sugar daddy. At first he denied it but there was too much evidence. Caprice found notes to him from her on their car and receipts for items she didn=t own from stores she didn=t shop at. She began to match phone numbers in his pager to numbers on his cell phone bills. She put two and two together but it all was confirmed when she found pictures of Toni in his briefcase. In a fury she tore them up and told him that she was leaving. She even called Toni up and told her that she could have the sorry bastard. She claimed that she never knew anything about Caprice but she knew it was a lie. Caprice told the heifer and her mother that she knew where they lived and that if she found out that she was still keeping in contact with Joe that she was going to come to her house and personally kick her ass. Soon after the pages stopped and so did the calls.

      Christmas went off without a hitch. Caprise had received everything she wished for. The last few months with Joe were rocky but somehow Caprise was optimistic. She let the unanswered phone calls to Joe go without saying much. She was trying to let him live a little . Little did she know Toni was still in the picture.

      Toni was the young chick that Joe had taken under his wing just the year prior. Toni herself didn=t threaten Caprise, just what she represented. Joe played it cool but what like the saying goes- what doesn’t come out in the wash , comes out in the rinse.

      Caprise didn=t play when it came to her man. This bitch Toni was getting out of hand. The red light flickered and instantly the message icon appeared. Caprise thought to herself Ashould I look- why not?. She picked up Joes=s phone and pressed the button to read the message. Slowly the words scrolled across the screen and Caprice=s blood began to boil   She read the words Love you Always from Toni. She instantly wanted to fight.

      Joe denied knowing anything about the message. Why Toni had to decide to text him now, out of the blue was unbeknownst to him. He didn=t have a clue.

      Caprise should have been a private eye because her mind went into overdrive when she wanted answers. This was not the end of it. She was determined to find out what was really going on. The next day, while on her lunch break Caprise stopped in to one of those Internet café.
She bought herself a Vanilla Chai tea , found a computer in the back and commenced to doing some research.

      Hmmm. She thought to herself, what would her password be? Toni=s that is. Let=s see, she=s young, and doesn=t know any better. I bet it=s her birthday . . no too simple, I bet it=s her most prized possession.
      Caprise typed in the letters N-I-N-A, Jackpot! So predictable , these young girls. . She said to herself. I=m in. Joe=s work number and cell number were all up and down the pages. Dates, times, minutes, incoming mostly but outgoing too. There it was in black and white.

      Caprise=s heart was racing again and rage was slowly overwhelming her. She wanted to forget work, go and get her car and drive straight to the bitch=s house and drop her. Caprise wasn=t the fighting type but she at this moment in time she was ready for whatever. She proceeded to print every page.

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